Cosmica Mono is the new companion to Cosmica, a geometric sans in a similar vein to the northern European originators of the style: Erbar-Grotesk (Jakob Erbar, 1926); Futura (Paul Renner, 1927); and Nobel (Sjoerd Henrik de Roos & Dick Dooijes, 1929).
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NEW: Esperanza Headline & Stencil

Esperanza was designed in 2022 for the Athens Cultural Center, in the Hudson Valley village of Athens, New York. The design was inspired by the lettering stamped into salt-glazed stoneware manufactured there throughout the 19th century at the Athens Pottery Works by Nathan Clark Senior and his partners and descendants. The type echoes the sturdy late transitional English types of William Martin and Richard Austin which would have been predominantly used in the former colony.
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